- Ross Borden Joined the Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area Board in 2016
- Compensation Committee Member
About Ross Borden
Ross retired as Director of Finance & Administration at Capital City Development Corporation in 2021. Working with the city and private developers, CCDC originally focused its unique powers on making downtown Boise a model of vibrant mixed-use. It has since expanded to other areas of the city that are ripe for development and redevelopment.
Ross’s first day on skis was at Rotarun just outside Hailey in 1965, back when Dad’s ski lessons consisted of, ‘if you don’t fall you’re not trying hard enough.’ As a Gooding kid his formative winters were spent at Soldier Mountain outside Fairfield.
Ross and his lovely bride Barb feel very fortunate to have had Bogus Basin so accessible to help raise their three great kids. The beauty of Bogus Basin, and what guides Ross’s decisions on the Board, is its affordability for average families like the Bordens.