Today’s Guided nature Program…
A remarkable variety of birds can be found in the Bogus Basin area. The forests and meadow areas offer tremendous opportunities for observing these active and colorful feathered residents. If you’ve ever had the desire to learn more about the identity and habits of the birds in the forests outside of Boise, try our Introduction to Bird Watching. This Guided Nature Program is designed to help new and beginning birders find, recognize and examine Bogus Basin birds engaged in any number of activities including nesting and territorializing. This program is only one of the many guided nature programs offered this summer.
When & Where
July 8, 2023 @ 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
This 3-hour outing will meet at Pioneer Lodge at the above-stated time and will cover 2 miles or less at a very casual pace. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes. Water, snack and sunscreen are highly recommended. Remember to swing by the Double R Ranch BBQ Smokehouse for lunch and a drink after the program!
How to Register
To sign up for this or any of our awesome Guided Snowshoe Programs, please send an email to dirk@bogusbasin.org indicating the program you wish to register for, date, and the number of people in your group. Requests received less than 24 hrs. prior to the outing may not receive a response.
Meet your Guide!
Hit the trail with Ray Vizgirdas, retired Wildlife Biologist and lifelong Naturalist for this installment of our Guided Snowshoe Program series. With over three decades of experience working for state and federal agencies, Ray knows a thing or two about the outdoors (he has literally authored guidebooks about the flora at Bogus Basin!). On select Saturday afternoons, Ray will cover a new topic relevant to the time of year. Whether it’s winter animal adaptations or emergency snow shelters, you’re bound to learn a thing or two on your outing.