Bogus Basin Ski Patrol
Final Sweep Memorial 2024
At the end of every day, Bogus Basin Ski Patrol conducts a final sweep – they ride all of the runs to make sure no one is left behind as the area closes. The Memorial Sweep is a long-standing tradition in honor of patrollers who have passed away. In the Final Sweep Memorial, patrollers bring a personal item of those no longer with us for a final toboggan ride down the hill to honor their memory and contribution.
This year’s honorees include Mike Shirley who, while not a patroller, was a very strong supporter of the patrol and significant contributor to Bogus Basin.
When & Where
The procession begins at 5:00 pm, or when the backside sweep is completed. Patrollers will assemble at the top of Ridge Run for the Final Sweep. Following, there will be a brief ceremony in front of the patrol building – including reading in memoriams and a brief opportunity for people to speak.
For more information, please visit the Bogus Basin Ski Patrol’s website: https://www.bbsp.org/final-sweep